About the Journal

Jurnal PPNI Sumbar (JPS) is the official publication of the Indonesian National Nurses Association of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The JPS has been published since 2024, published every six months (April-September (First Period) and October-March (Second Period). Submissions are accepted at any time. The review process (double-blind peer review) is targeted to be accomplished within three months since submission. The journal aims to provide a forum for clinical practice, research, management issues, case studies, professional and patient education, practice issues, ethical and legal topics, collaboration with other disciplines, and promoting nurses' professional and educational advancement to improve healthcare services. JPS serves as a mechanism for global dissemination and dialogue among nurses and healthcare professionals involved in the science, education, and service delivery related to Medical-Surgical Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Maternity Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Community Nursing, and Nursing Management.