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Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): JPS
					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): JPS

Jurnal PPNI Sumbar (JPS)

Published: 2025-02-01
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Deskripsi Jurnal

Jurnal PPNI Sumbar (JPS) is the official publication of the Indonesian National Nurses Association of West Sumatra, Indonesia, and a scientific publication journal that is published every six months (April-September (first period) and October-March (second period)) using the peer review method for article selection. The journal's purpose is to provide a forum for clinical practice, research, management issues, case studies, professional and patient education, practice issues, ethical and legal topics, collaboration with other disciplines, and promoting the professional and educational advancement of nurses to improve healthcare.

Jurnal Info

Frekuensi terbit : July-December (First Period) and January-June (Second Period) 

Editor in chief: Ns. Heppi Sasmita, M.Kep. Sp. Kep. J

Published by: DPW PPNI West Sumatra Province

p_ISSN : 

e_ISSN :

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